How to Join
If you would like a tour of the facilities before joining, please schedule here.
Pre-Fitness Evaluation Instructions
The fitness evaluation will consist of resting heart rate, resting blood pressure, weight, body composition, cardiorespiratory fitness, muscular strength, muscular endurance, and flexibility.
- Abstain from prior eating and drinking (> 4 hours)
- Abstain from prior strenuous exercise (> 24 hours)
- Abstain from prior caffeine ingestion (> 12-24 hours)
- Abstain from prior nicotine use (> 3 hours)
- Abstain from prior alcohol use (> 24 hours)
- Clothing should permit freedom of movement and include walking or running shoes.
- Participants should continue their medication regimen on their usual schedule so that exercise responses will be consistent with responses expected during exercise training.
- Drink ample fluids over the 24 hour period preceding the exercise test to ensure normal hydration before testing.